The Coalition for Good Schools is a collection of Global South practitioners committed to preventing violence against children in and through schools. Raising Voices, Uganda in collaboration with like-minded organisations and individuals has been spearheading the coalition’s voices from the Global South via its three hubs across Latin America, Asia, and Sub-Saharan Africa. Samya imparts technical and administrative support towards managing the operations of Asia regional hub, undertaking a scoping study, developing knowledge products, facilitating collaborative learning circles, assisting with a communication campaign and providing administrative support to fulfil the vision and mission of the global Coalition.

Through synthesising knowledge, convening, and advocating, the Coalition elevates insights and evidence-based programs that provide critical tools, data, and best practices for sustainable and impactful local solutions. This facilitates connection and learning between those working in similar contexts. We believe when children have access to a safe learning environment, they are empowered and their communities are stronger. This is fundamental for the quality of human life. The Coalition provides a platform through which regional partners can coordinate efforts to collate experiences, learning and priorities around VAC in schools.